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LX90 replacement ETX handset trying to update firmware


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Hi Hope someone could help ... i purchased a neglected LX90 with mould inside the tube but tonight just cleaned the mirror , corrector plate and diagonal etc with success no marks or corrsion winner but the scope never came with a handset 497 i read on websites you can use most 497 handsets including ETX ones and update via autostar6 ..... I purchased a meade 35-4700-00 (Hopefully a legit 497 ) it wont update or connect with the correct 505 cable and it has a firmware of 1.2 .... Any ideas ...



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16 hours ago, coggs said:

update via autostar6

No idea what autostar6 is.

You update with the Meade ASU software.

Or the easier to use StarPatch, downloads here:


16 hours ago, coggs said:

it wont update or connect with the correct 505 cable

Is the #505 fully installed ?

Showing up correctly in windows Device Manager ?

Or how exactly isn't it working ?


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