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RGB/Ha version of the heart nebula


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I do like it Bryan, it's a lLovely wispy image.  The only problem is that by adding the luminence to the RGB you have ended up with the "salmon" colouration.  This is the classic HaRGB conundrum.   The ha has all that lovely data and it gets swallowed up somewhat when you combine it as RGB.  The  purist way to get around this is to create an RGB and then add the Ha to the red channel.  You can try using Ha as a luminence and play around with reducing opacity.  You will also need to tweak the colour balance.  Ha really shouldn't be applied to an RGB image as a luminence since it gets applied to B and G as well as R and this is, in theory but not always in practice, inappropriate.

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12 hours ago, MartinB said:

I do like it Bryan, it's a lLovely wispy image.  The only problem is that by adding the luminence to the RGB you have ended up with the "salmon" colouration.  This is the classic HaRGB conundrum.   The ha has all that lovely data and it gets swallowed up somewhat when you combine it as RGB.  The  purist way to get around this is to create an RGB and then add the Ha to the red channel.  You can try using Ha as a luminence and play around with reducing opacity.  You will also need to tweak the colour balance.  Ha really shouldn't be applied to an RGB image as a luminence since it gets applied to B and G as well as R and this is, in theory but not always in practice, inappropriate.

I totally agree. 
I did rush this and sometimes I can be a bit impatient and too keen to share an image 

Thanks for taking the time to comment and advise 



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