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NGC 281 The Pacman Nebula


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Another image taken with the L-eNhance filter and processed 2 ways

This was only about 3.5 hours before clouds came in and it could definately use more integration time.

70 x 180s, SW 80ED, ASI2600MC, L-eNhance. Moon was around 90%

First a regular processing of the OSC data


Then processed as HOO



C&C Welcome.


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V nice for 3.5hrs 👍🏾  Between the two, I prefer the OSC - more texture in the inner core.  The HOO almost seems too bright.

I've got some unprocessed data on Pacman taken with an ASI178MMcool but with a Baader UHC filter as it seems to have a dual-band style transmission curve.  Will be curious to see how it compares to the L-enhance (the L-e should be better & tighter band-pass, but by how much should be interesting to see)

Edited by vineyard
wrong filters cited in original
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