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Pixinsight -11 fails to download doc.zip


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I've installed the new -11 pixinsight. Mostly no issue but it fails to download and install the documentation file from the PI repository. All other updates were downloaded and installed no problem. I've tried it several times - it identifies it as a new update each time I start up PI but it fails every time. No details of why it failed are provided.

Any suggestions?





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14 hours ago, scotty38 said:

All fine with me too, I can't imagine they're wrong but are your repositories correct and updated? Also does the doc file show in the installed updates screen?




Thanks for this. Yes the repository is in there and the refdoc.zip file shows also. It then starts downloading but stops before completion and states download failed as shown below. Im goin to look at firewalls etc but it never been an issue before.

Screenshot 2021-11-28 142351.png

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