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NGC 7822 My First Pic in 6 months


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Due to weather and other reasons, haven't had my rig out for months. Amazingly just had 2 clear nights and managed to get 11 hours  of narrowband on NGC 7822 in Cepheus. This is my best version yet, processed in DSS, Photoshop and Pixinsight. I'd like to get the stars less orange , but am still on the Pixinsight learning curve so maybe the next version, or the next.........

NGC7822 Q8 HOS Cropped V3.jpg

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Thanks, for some reason PCC won't plate solve when I try it, so I use normal colour calibration. I've input the correct focal distance and pixel size but one of the other settings must be wrong. I'm still in my first week with PI but am learning fast.

Since posting the pic I've come up with another version using a star mask in PI to prevent oversaturating the star colour, and it seems to have worked well:1465625756_NGC7822Q8HubblePalette21_22112021PX.thumb.jpg.7c11012720b27d04608bd633c6096001.jpg



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It can be problematical getting PCC working and one way to fix the plate solving is to download the apass 9 and 10 database files and run them locally. They're quite large but if you can do so it gets around a lot of the issues and runs more quickly too. You can also download the Gaia data but there are a lot more files involved. 

as an aside your new file seems to have issues showing up. 

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