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I don't  Post much, I  Have generally been OK with the equipment I have had over the last several years which is a celestron 8 SE. However I believe it is time for me to move up.I want to get into astro imaging And overall just a better mount. I have been debating over the iOptron CEM70 and the Losmandy G11( i know the debate continues).  I've decided to go with the G11, the main reason being for the money and budget ,I will be able to get a tripod that's suitable. I know the CEM70 has more options

 For the time being I plan on mounting my next star to the mounr(again i know it'snot optimal).I know the CEM70 has more options as in the polar alignment scope,wifi etc, but thats okay. What i plan on doing for starters is also purchasing a guidescope.  From what I have been reading, you can also use the guidescope for polar alignment, and then doing the star alignments afterwards. Tracking seems to be fine using it in this manner.  Down the road I do plan on getting Better optics, However due to budget I'm more interested in getting accuracy and tracking at the moment. So far, just using a T-adapter with my Canon 60D for short exposures has kept me happy.  Obviously i will eventually have to get an imaging camera as well,but it will have to be one thing at a time.





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The G11 is a lot more expensive than the CEM70 on this side of the pond, so most ppl here would probably go for the iOptron. All the gimmicks such as ipolar, wifi, etc. can be achieved with aftermarket solutions at a much lower cost.

I think you're on the right track. The mount is the most important part of an astrophotography rig, so getting a quality one is definitely the correct first step. You can start off with planetary/lunar imaging as your C8 is perfect for that. And with a 0.63x reducer it can also be used for DSOs although at 1000mm+ focal length guiding is a must. So I'd say your next step is to get the reducer along with a guiding setup. Your 60D if astro modded is a perfect starter camera, so a camera upgrade can wait unless you want to move to mono quickly.

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The G11 purchased new is pretty expensive in the UK but for some reason 2nd hand prices are fairly low (if they come up for sale). As new worms are quite cheap, and the electronics can be upgraded to the latest version, if you can pick up an older digital drive or Gemini 1 model for £1000 or less, they can be a bargain. I bought mine new in 2009 and it is still working well now with guiding RMS totals in the range 0.5-0.7" and it is capable of carrying up to 25 or 30 kg. I also like the Gemini goto system although recently I have been using the ASI Air Pro as you then don't need to bother doing any goto alignment routines.

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I thought about finding a good used one, however my wife is on my side and said just get a new one...lol. Plus I hear their customer support is better than most. 0.5-0.7 is light years of my Nextstar mont. I do believe that my OTA is a bit of am anomaly, or so I'vebeen told. I have never had to collimte it. Its been to a few star parties and senior astronomers have said for that OTA the clarity is exceptional.

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  • 9 months later...



I'm sure it will take me a while to get accustomed to the Gemini. I was very proficient with my Nextstar mount. I have no unrealistic expectations though. I'm guessing it will take me a least a year or so to get decently proficient with what I plan to use it for. 

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On 19/08/2022 at 20:44, Ghostnotes said:

Been a while....covid, life etc got in the way but will be ordering the G11 tonight. 


I have acouple of questios regarding  guide scopes and software. Where should I diecet them?

Congratulations on the mount purchase!

For guide scopes, try here: https://stargazerslounge.com/forum/184-getting-started-with-imaging/

For software, you could use the same sub-forum or try this one here:   https://stargazerslounge.com/forum/128-discussions-software/

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