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M42 Dob (such a pain)


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I had another go on M42 last night after my visual. I know the limitations of capturing DSO with a Dob without any tracking but it is keeping me occupied at rainy nights. I shot 1000 frames, iso3200, 0.5s that gave me only 8min of data!! I am not expecting miracles but quite pleased to see it coming through. I used siril and gimp; some light pollution at the bottom until M42 moves to my S horizon later in the winter. It took forever to convert and stack them in my mac book pro. I think there is more data into it, so I would appreciate if anyone can pull something more after the pain of capturing 1000 frames manually (i have attached the stacked tiff).




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Untracked and 8 minutes? Looks great, probably better than my tracked M42 which i pretend never happened.

I don't think i pulled more out of it. Although i will say the TIFF in your post looks already stretched as the linear mode already is very visible (stacked files are usually almost entirely black), is it straight out of the stacker?

I did: Background extraction in SIRIL (minor effect), some photoshop masked saturation, camera raw adjustments and denoising.


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27 minutes ago, ONIKKINEN said:

Untracked and 8 minutes? Looks great, probably better than my tracked M42 which i pretend never happened.

Thank you, you have been kind on my very basic attempt.

28 minutes ago, ONIKKINEN said:

I don't think i pulled more out of it. Although i will say the TIFF in your post looks already stretched as the linear mode already is very visible (stacked files are usually almost entirely black), is it straight out of the stacker?

Thanks for taking the time to look at the images and the huge improvement you did; you seem to be pulling some more of these reds (my camera is not modified). I realise that this was the stretched file. I have uploaded the non stretched file if you fancy taking another look.


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Here is what i came up with from the linear file. I don't think i improved it, its just different. In the linear phase i do background extraction and colour calibration but looks like these were already well enough done on the stretched stack. Colour calibration is really tricky and i almost entirely rely on SIRIL photometry to do it for me. In this case SIRIL only found a handful of stars, whereas i usually use hundreds - that's the only 8 minutes here that does it. Still amazed how stars are mostly round untracked!

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@ONIKKINENThank you very much! That looks fantastic! Your colour calibration seems to have brought some more reds out (my camera is not modified). 

13 hours ago, ONIKKINEN said:

Still amazed how stars are mostly round untracked!

This is why i was limited to 0.5s exposures to limit star trailing. Still fun to have captured it.


I want to have another go in processing the images with your suggestions and tips and see if i can get any closer to your result. Thanks again for taking the time.

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