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Galloway dark skies worry


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So I went up to galloway for two nights recently and although I had a very good night observing, something rather worrying became aware to me.

However before I spill the beans I shall explain how I came to my conclusion of concern.

On my first visit to galloway just south of whithorn about 6 years since, the first thing I noticed when stepping out under the dark skies was the constellations had disappeared under a wash of other stars in the night sky and the Milky Way was washing across the sky. Easily visible with eyes that were not adjusted to the dark.

Another thing was on my first visit there was cloud in the sky on night two, but the clouds were not visible in the sky, it was just black where stars should have been. Another thing was I couldn't see anything but blackness with night adjusted eyes.

My concern is the degredation of the skies around galloway and uk dark sky sites in general.

On my recent visit the skies were not filled with stars to the same level that I couldn't see constellations, they were reasonably easy to pick out . The milky way was nothing like the river of stars I saw the first time although it was there but most obvious was that clouds were easily visible, especially looking north toward newton stuart and in the dark I could move around and see in darkness as it was not not pitch black. There was also a noticable white sky glow north and talking to my host Mike it seems to me the replacement of sodium street lighting with LED lights are the likely culprit.

Thanksfully South there is no such light polution and it is at present localised but the difference is very noticeable.

Also I note on the light polution may it is listed at 21.86 sqm in 2015, my own readings were at a 21.1, significant difference. 

I wonder if anyone else is noticing the degrading of the night sky in their own local areas.

Edited by bomberbaz
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Quite believable. One location I had used fairly frequently, is now more or less discounted as led intrusion from a considerable distance away has noticeably increased. Due north is still good, but Newcastle Airport some way south has become LED horrendous. The expansive development around the edges of Towns and small villages increasing in size with all the led lighting infrastructure is creeping ever more into those pockets of dark sky.

I wouldn't necessarily draw too much conclusion though on your SQM readings. They can fluctuate from night to night and time of night. Gaining better transparency would improve on 21.1, although yep 21.86 would be a top draw and probably not achievable perhaps within the current circumstance. Location to can be improved by a differing situation. My former top location, was on a fairly high open promontory aptly named Battle Hill. Now I go to a place within the boundaries of forest, but with plenty of clearance (an unused loggers park up), screening somewhat any distant light. Very good; 21.6 SQM readings achieved here. Much needed is radical environmental protection from deregulation of developments and the spread of light pollution, if for no other reasoning than preservation of wildlife, nature conservation.  


Edited by scarp15
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