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Seeing colour in Orion


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I was out very briefly with my 8" Dob, around 1am, last night. Orion had risen to my SSE horizon. I only wanted to have a quick look at it before bed. I had observed it several times last winter so I knew my expectations buy my oh my.....Sky was dark and very transparent and I think the frost had helped with seeing conditions. I popped in my ES 68 degree 24mm EP and the nebula was nearly fitting my whole EP (last winter I only had the box standard 25mm EP that came with the Dob). I think that was the best Orion nebula I had seen thus far. Trapezium nicely resolved with nebula around it and arches going out (the wings). A lot of details and fine structure on the nebulosity and some dark lanes similar to the astrophotos. But what really stroke me was the fact I could see reds. Orion has always been greenish/grey in my Dob. But last night the green was standing out and it was more of a turquoise around the trapezium BUT the wings were showing reddish-rusty colour mixed with the grey, not bright red but a hue of it. I thought I was imagining things and I had to step back and take it all in and observe again. Similarly, around the greenish of the trapezium  at the edge of the bright nebula I could also make some reddish (more like pinkish) blend with the green.

I am still buzzing this morning and I think it will stay with me for a long long time. Actually, it may have ruined my Orion expectations for the rest of the season. I hope conditions like this will repeat themselves.

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@Nik271To be honest I was expecting the greenish/grey and it completely stumbled me. I wish I had time to do more observing of other targets since the seeing last night was amazing.

@Epick CromThanks Joe. I have seen other reports reporting some of the reds, so seeing it with my own eyes was indeed a great moment. I doubted myself for a while that they were there.

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