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NGC7635 The Bubble Nebula and M52 open cluster

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Another entry in the gallery after a second clear evening. 

Not the easiest target for a smartphone and I didn't get much integration time, but still got a decent result! Also nice to get a 2-in-1 shot 😊

I managed to ever so slightly mess up the white balance during processing but couldn't be bothered to redo it again (already had to redo initial 1-2 hours of work due to a frustratingly timed Windows update...).


GSO 10" f/4.24 coma corrected Newtonian.

TS-Optics 13 mm XWA eyepiece.

Xiaomi Mi 11 Pro, held with NeXYZ adapter.

57*30sec lights.

60 bias, 40 flats and only 13 darks.

Stacked in DSS, processed in PS.


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I'm impressed. 

I saw this appear in your gallery before you created this thread and I couldn't believe you'd used a smart phone! 

The Bubble is another object I'd never heard of before joining SGL. Recently I've had a few goes at imaging it myself, all very average! One reason for my interest in this patch of sky is the brilliant nova, which you have captured nicely here also.

I'll miss it when its gone!

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