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Hi to all,

I have two scopes at the opposite ends of the F ratios and I am looking for advice on the best mix of EP'S

The scopes are an 8" Nexstar SCT  f 10   ( I have a F6.3 reducer/corrector for this) star diagonal for 1.25 EP's

Revelation 12 " Dob  f 5 with 1.25 and 2" focuser

The mix of EP's that I have are

ED 35mm 2"   ED 30mm 2"

SVBony 26mm 2"

Celestron  X-cel 25mm 1.25"   ( Im willing to part with this)

Baader Morpheus 17.5mm and 6.5mm  ( The 2" fitting does not work on the dob as the focuser cant travel enough to focus for the 6.5mm)

Max vision 16mm 1.25mm

Revelation Astro 2.5 x Barlow

I use both scopes for lunar, planetary, DSO observing.

The range of EP's I have offers me quite a good spread, what I want to achieve is to improve the quality of the EP's to maximise the scopes potentials.

None of the 2" EP's can currently be used on the SCT as I dont have a 2" diagonal. Is it worth upgrading this?

I was considering adding another Morpheus 12.5mm or 9mm. Other option is a Baader Hyperion with fine tuning rings, but I have no experience with these?


Any advice, guidance or even opinions would be appreciated. 






Edited by Rapallokid
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If you watch the classifieds, you should be able to pick up a used 2" GSO (Revelation, TPO, etc.) dielectric diagonal for under $100.  A 2" SCT visual back generally goes for under $30.  You won't be able to use your R/C with them due to vignetting.  Is it worth the upgrade, that's a question only you can answer.  The true field of view with a 32mm Plossl and R/C is about the maximum possible with an SCT already.

I'm puzzled why you have both 30mm and 35mm ED eyepieces.  At the low end of the power scale, there isn't a whole lot of difference between them.

I am also puzzled why you don't have more eyepieces at the shorter focal length end.  You could do with a 4.5mm to 5mm eyepiece as well as a 9mm to 12mm eyepiece to fill in some of the gaps.  I suppose you've been using your 2.5x Barlow to fill these roles?  How often do you find yourself using it for higher powers?  If it is a lot, I highly recommend getting a dedicated eyepiece in that range (or ranges).

The BH would do okay with the SCT but not with the Dob.  I'd stick with Morpheus, Delos, or XW eyepieces for the Dob's sake.

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