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First North America Nebula, in HOO


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My first attempt at the North America nebula. It’s just 3h50m worth of 5min exposures (46 x 300s) taken back on July 19th/20th with my ZWO ASI 533MC-PRO at -10C with Optolong L-Enhance filter behind an AstroTech AT012ED mounted on an iOptron GEM45. I used N.I.N.A. for image acquisition. Guiding was done with a 60mm finderscope with ZWO ASI 120MM Mini.

There is a lot of blue bloat around the stars which I tried to reduce without much success – the scope is a doublet – but I actually kind of like it in this image. The image was processed in Pixinsight. I’m very new at this and there is lots to learn.


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