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After years away from anything astro, I try again with the Crescent nebula with Altair 72EDF Atik 314L+


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After many years away from astro, due to having cancer and getting frustrated at not achieving anything half decent....my partner and I went to Kelling star party this last week. I started out trying my newt and Atik again, getting nowhere and annoyed with myself. I almost threw the camera in the bin. I couldn't get colour from it, or nebulosity with it...I was tearing my hair out trying to figure it out. I spoke to a guy from Atik, who were at Kelling, and he was also scratching his head as to what could be wrong.  

We passed by the Altair stall, and after many ummings and ahhings, I decided to get a tri-band filter, as we found that might help. After a few more trips around the vendors stalls, I went back and asked about a used scope they had for sale. It was one they said they had used for display and for themselves I believe. Its a 72 EDF, at a VERY attractive price. I couldn't say no, and I thought try something different, see what happens. I got a dew band for it, as dew was a killer this year, I took it back to our pitch, then realised I would need the flattener as well...so off we went back to Altair who were packing up. They dug out the boxes to find me a flattener, They were all so fantastic and helpful, even with us going back several times lol. 

I set it up straight away, and we had some lovely clear skies that night. I did my usual PA, but didn't bother aligning. I was really in a CBA mindset lol. I sent the scope off to the bubble, focused and set the Atik off for a 30 sec test shot and WOW. My jaw dropped. FINALLY! I had something. I could see nebula, and stars....and colour! I was silently squeeling to myself lol. I then went to the Crescent nebula, and started a run of 3 minute subs, I managed 40 subs before I got too tired. I didn't manage to do any darks, bias or flats. But I was happy finally getting something, anything! 

Anyway, if you've read this far, thanks lol. I am just so happy now to have an image to show, it's not award winning by any means, but not too bad for saying I've been out for years and forgot how to do it. Here is my little version of the crescent nebula, my partner ran it through Starnet++ and it makes a world of difference.  It's noisy as hell...way overdone but I don't care lol. I can't wait to see what else I can do with this little scope now. I also need to email Mr Atik man and thank him for letting me chew his ears off lol. 

72 EDF.jpg



Edited by Celeste
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