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I discovered another comet! (spoiler alert: no I didn't)


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I was observing galaxies and crossing NGC's off my list tonight, during a quick getaway to a dark location for the rest of the week. 

When I come across something peculiar or quite pleasing to the eye, I tend to make a sketch of the view.


So I came across NGC 784. A surprisingly big and mottled streak with no further details but in a nice field of stars. Out came the sketchboard and I started to soak up the details. 

As my eyes were becoming more dark adapted (I use skysafari for starhopping and it is handy but kills my night vision), I noticed a round wooley patch when lookking with averted vision. 

I moved it in and out of view a couple of times, or in another spot in the FOV, but there was definately something there... 


...but not in skysafari... (And I bought the extension pack so I have a lot more stars and galaxies in the database..) 

Sometimes I limit the magnitude to 15 or even less, depending what skies I'm in, in order to clean up the screen and only look at the stuff I can see. I bumped up the magnitude to maximum... Still nothing there. 


Last resort: DSS survey check.. And there it was... A mag 15 galaxy in the place where I saw the nebulousity. Darn it! 



Edited by Wiu-Wiu
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