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A 1 hour session 29/09/21


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Observing Session 29/09/21
The weather had looked promising for last night. I had a plan to return to my usual targets and also have a crack at a couple of tricky doubles. 
When I got up at 5am for work it was slightly surreal seeing Orion high in the South. Not a sight I see until later in the year normally. 

I managed to head out around 8 pm after doing all the necessary domestic chores. 😄

Conditions weren’t great with Seeing about 3/5 and  Transparency  about 3/5. 

Ok check my finder alignment on Jupiter and then went straight to RS Ophuchi.

RS Ophuchi is around  Mag 10 it is clearly  fainter than HD162449 (9.81).

I moved onto V1405 Cassiopeia it appears  Slightly fainter similar to HD220770  (7.81) so I am happy to go with mag 7.8.

I wanted to have a look at WZ Cass. I haven’t looked at it in quite a while. It is a double star of red and blue easily split in a small scope and on quite a Richfield. At low power you could get Alpha Cass in field. Definitely worth a look of you are in the area. 

I moved South to see if I could split the doubles of Rho and Pi Capricorni. I started with Pi Cap. It is 3.6” but quite uneven at magnitudes 5.3 and 8.5. After a while at x100 a foint dot would appear a short distance away. The primary was white, the secondary grey.

Moving onto Rho Cap. This is a much closer pair at 1.9” but more evenly matched at magnitudes 4.8 and 6.9 at first I had no joy the the secondary just started to become apparent at x100. It was Intermittent and mostly looked elongated but popped out occasionally.

I was running out of time with another early start so I finished with a quick look at Saturn and Jupiter.

Saturn + Titan. Titan had moved to 8 o'clock position. It has been interesting to watch Titan’s motion. It has done close to half the orbit since I first noted Titan’s position.

Jupiter had 3 moons visible.  IO was in transit but was not clearly visible.


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