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A Moonlit Crab :)

Paul M

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I had so many plans last night. Main target was to test run a mosaic imaging plan for M31 I'd pu together using HNSky and APT. It looked good on paper but, well, you know! :) I'll try another idea next time.

So what to do, out all night, watched the full Moon rise in the east and set in the west. And in between it was a 'mare. The sky in the area of Taurus/Auriga seemed to be the darkest on offer so M1 came to mind. Could have done to have mt ASI178 camera to hand, with my 10" Newt it's gives a perfect image scale for M1.

The ASI071 gives a much wider view that M1 gets a bit lost in, and with binning 3x3 there isn't much to home in on. Anyway, here we have 31 x 180 sec, through an Optolong L-Pro filter. Captured with APT and guided with PHD2. All stacking and processing, including gradient removal, was done with ASTAP, perfect for a lazy image processor such as myself! :) 

M1 was one of the first DSO's I ever saw through a scope and remains a firm favorite. I think next time I'll do it justice with the other camera.


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