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3 Aquila Doubles, 2 Gas Giants


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8.25pm, Tuesday – clear and mild (T-shirt conditions!) – first session in weeks, great to be out – I used the AR127L on the Skytee II, plus observing chair: a great and easy set-up.  Altair was visible.  Using x40 / 2.04deg, it was an easy hop from that to:

Σ2621 / SAO 125416, an 8th mag pair, 5.5” apart.  Target was at the end of an “L” of three faint stars.  Going to x80 revealed two sharp, matched, faint, close stars – secondary at 8 o’clock, very pleasing.  Then, very close to Altair:

Σ2590 / SAO 105355, 6.5 and 10.3, 14” apart.  Easily located, in another “L”, but at the junction.  Got the split at x40 as expected, although the secondary (at 11 o’clock) was very faint and needed AV.

57 Aql / SAO 143898, two inseparable pairs at 5th and 6th mags, a large 36” apart, was a bit trickier to locate.  It was well split at x40, and a close match, with the stars in a vertical line, and only one other in the field.  A lovely sight.

By 9.10, Saturn (low, at 15deg) had emerged from houses, SSE.  8th mag moon Titan was clear.  At x80, 9th mag moon Rhea was evident using AV.  x120 – Saturn was still very sharp, with fine open rings, no false colour detected.  x150 – not as good a view.

By 9.25, Jupiter (also low, about 14deg) was just above the rooftops, SE.  Io was to its east, and Callisto and Ganymede west, Callisto being at about 10 o’clock to Ganymede.  x120 – N and S equatorial belts were clear, and just a little false colour showed up.

9.40 – finished a most enjoyable session. 

(The AR127L OTA is currently in the For Sale section.  A fine telescope indeed, but I’m saving for a 152!)




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