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Au revoir Milky Way (for now)


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Well tonight may have been my last chance to admire the jewels of the Milky Way with clear skies and no moon. Clouds are predicted for the rest of the week and with the luck we had  this summer with clouds it may have been my last chance, plus my SW horizon has a couple of large trees, over 8m each, and getting to observe later will be practically impossible. Having a Dob the first impractically I encountered tonight was viewing right above me, not much room to get things into view easily. I started in Cygnus with my OIII and observed the North America Nebula and Pelican. I then moved to the Veil and great structures in the filaments were apparent. What took my breath away was using my new ES 24mm 68 degree EP. Last time I observed it was with my box standard 25mm plossl (50 degrees?) and I had to move around to see the whole Veil. With the new EP I could just about make either the  East or West  fit in the FOV and it gave a nicer perspective. Wow! I had a look at the Swan and Trifid with great features. Without the filter I then tried to look at Blue Racquetball which I completely missed last time. This time i was prepared for my star hoping and seeing was better and there it was; a nice vivid blue planetary. I loved it. It took magnification quite nicely. I tried to look at Helix nebula but seeing at my low S horizon was horrible. I was in the right area but I could not make any nebulosity and the stars where barely visible. I had a look at Jupiter and Saturn and for the first time I could make the Cassini division around Saturn . Nice equatorial bands were visible and I think i could see several lines compared to other nights. I finally noticed some of the winter delights coming into view, Pleiades like little jewels and M31. Andromeda galaxy looked great in the 24mm EP and for the first time I could just about frame it together with M110 in the FOV. Some 'dust lanes' where obvious on M31. All in all an excellent night with great views.

So it is au revoir of these delights and bienvenue of the winter ones!

Edited by Kon
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