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Saturn Helps Find Saturn Nebula

Epick Crom

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Hi my fellow stargazers! Chilly but clear night. Sky a bit hazy but you got to take what you can! All my observations were carried out using my 10 inch dob.

Started the night by using the planet Saturn to guide me to Aquarius where the planetary nebula NGC 7009 (Saturn Nebula) was located. I love it when planets serve a valuable "hop" in a otherwise barren region. I first encountered M 73 as I arrived in Aquarius and had a little chuckle to myself as I looked at this oddball Messier object. Just four stars close together but I got a kick out of locating it! I scanned down from M73 to locate the globular cluster M 72 next. Rather faint in my scope, but the sky conditions weren't the best. M 72 forms a triangle with two field stars. The globular appeared granular, at the limit of resolution. I then scanned upwards, starhopping to my destination NGC 7009. What a treat! Beautiful planetary with a deep green colour at low magnification. I upped the power to 240x then 480x. This completely transformed the view and I was able to see two extensions on both sides with give it its name. I was delighted to have used Saturn to find the Saturn Nebula in a cosmic coincidence! 

Next it was over to the constellation Grus. Observed the colourful double Pi Gruis followed by NGC's 7553, 7582, 7590 and 7599 the Grus Quartet. It took me around 30 min of carefull scrutiny to see them all. These are four faint galaxies that are interacting with each other. A wonderful sight.

From there I moved on to Vulpecula, using Alberio in Cygnus as my launching point. And what a launching point! Stunning double star, it's golden and blue colours vivid in my dob. I starhopped downwards to reach wide double star Anser ( Alpha Vulpeculae). Below Anser I found CR 399, better known as the Coathanger cluster. What a beauty! The view through my 9x50mm viewfinder provided the best view as I couldn't fit it all in the field of view using my main scopes lowest power 48x. My Son and Daughter enjoyed looking at it as well. From there I located an object I have been waiting to see, M 27 the Dumbbell Nebula. I could clearly make out the dumbell shape. Beautiful planetary situated in a rich field. I could see several faint stars stewn across its face at 300x. A true showpiece!

Finally it was time to get a good look at Saturn and Jupiter. Saturn looked great despite the so so conditions. I was not able to see Enceladus or Mimas which I'm trying to find to add to my tally of five Saturn moons so far. A nice dark marking was seen on the globe and Cassini Division looked awesome. Jupiter was beautiful as usual, I saw at least 6 different cloud bands across the surface while Io and Europa appeared close together. Wonderful session with several new objects I had never seen before. Thanks for reading and wishing you all clear skies!


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