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Does DSS align Flat frames?

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Hey guys and gals!

I'm imaging on a 6se with an f6.3 focal reducer and 2"CLS LP filter using an unmodified Nikon d5300. Last night I set up with 3 targets in mind. I spent the entire night capturing M16 and wanted to get some clips of Jupiter and Saturn before I packed up. 

To do this I removed the entire focal reducer/lp assembly and installed the eyepiece holder to connect my barlowed DSLR. I've since disassembled the LP filter assembly and packed it up. I was going to put it all back together and grab the flats after work today but it just struck me that part of the flats purpose is to remove dust and marks etc on the lens, and now these won't be in the same spots. Have I ruined my session or will DSS be able to sort this out as long as I provide the flats?


I just cleaned my OTA corrector plate and LP filter before imaging and I checked the focal reducer was free of marks and dust so I'm confident dust and marks won't be a major issue but it's still certainly possible. I've never cleaned or even checked my camera sensor. 

Thanks guys, I've still got alot to learn!


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You should have taken flats before altering any of the optical train. Even if rotating the camera slightly you should then take new flats.

No stacking software aligns flats as it has no external references to work from,

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