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Jupiter & Saturn 02.08.21


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So Tuesday night was first light for my newly acquired skymax 127. I wasn’t expecting much as I was just trying to get used to focusing a Mak (usually use a SW 80ed). As I finally managed to get Jupiter in focus I was blown away! Even though I wasn’t using a barlow you could literally see the bands 😍

When I slewed to Saturn I had far more noticeable atmospheric dispersion. I was able to process it out by slightly moving the channels in photoshop so they lined up better. 

This got me thinking if an ADC would be better? Anyone got any experience with it? I’ve read they mainly benefit larger apertures. Obviously I’ve only had 1 evening of planetary photography but would this improve my images using a skymax 127?



Edited by Anubis1311
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Great images, Anubis. I have a 127mm StarMax and love the views. I especially like the Jupiter image, very natural-looking.  Saturn looks like a painting, maybe a little over-processed? I've never used an ADC, but I'm sure it will only enhance imaging. I'd give it a shot. Nothing beats a night of good seeing and catching the object at maximum altitude from the horizon. Though I use my 180 Mak primarily for imaging now I got some great images from the 127mm. Keep it up! :) 

Regards, Reggie🚀

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Nice images, some lovely sharp detail on Jupiter. 

Not sure where you're located but if the planets are very low in the sky for you the and ADC should yield some improvements, it isn't a magic bullet though, practice is the best way to get better images (that applies to processing as well as capture!)

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13 hours ago, orion25 said:

Great images, Anubis. I have a 127mm StarMax and love the views. I especially like the Jupiter image, very natural-looking.  Saturn looks like a painting, maybe a little over-processed? I've never used an ADC, but I'm sure it will only enhance imaging. I'd give it a shot. Nothing beats a night of good seeing and catching the object at maximum altitude from the horizon. Though I use my 180 Mak primarily for imaging now I got some great images from the 127mm. Keep it up! :) 

Regards, Reggie🚀

Thank you Reggie! Yeah I had to push Saturn pretty hard. Is probably slightly over processed. I had to really isolate the whites to get the rings to show and probably went too far. Still this is my first ever go so lots of room for improvement 👍🏻

thanks for the tips. Let’s hope I get another clear night soon. 

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3 hours ago, CraigT82 said:

Nice images, some lovely sharp detail on Jupiter. 

Not sure where you're located but if the planets are very low in the sky for you the and ADC should yield some improvements, it isn't a magic bullet though, practice is the best way to get better images (that applies to processing as well as capture!)

Thank you! In the UK and yeah they are pretty low. Wasn’t sure whether the skymax 127 was too short to yield a benefit from the ADC. I think I’ll just practice shooting and processing them for now and then add it when I’ve got a few images under my belt!


thank you 

Edited by Anubis1311
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4 minutes ago, Anubis1311 said:

Thank you! In the UK and yeah they are pretty low. Wasn’t sure whether the skymax 127 was too short to yield a benefit from the ADC. I think I’ll just practice shooting and processing them for now and then add it when I’ve got a few images under my belt!


thank you 

Good plan 👍  I would say that if you can see definite atmospheric dispersion on the preview screen whilst capturing (blue fringe up top, red fringe at bottom) then you might well see some benefits to using an ADC, but it wont be huge and the use of the ADC can be tricky. You will probably get larger improvements from just practising to be honest.  Maybe once you have everything nailed down and you reach the point where you're not improving any more then add an ADC into the mix to chase those extra details.

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