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more of a challenge than expected

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Hi Everyone, i am fairly new to this looking at stars thought a tube. we bought a Celestron PS1000 sometime ago, but found that looking at stars without a motor is more of a challenge than expected. So i would like to add a motor to it, and if possible one of the bits that can be told where to go find something..!  Or should i say told what i want it to find for me. i have searched on line and am starting to get lost in all the information. Any advice greatly appreciated.  Alan 

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Hi Alan and welcome to SGL.

Assuming that your PS1000 came with  a Celestron Equatorial mount this single-axis motor drive will enable you to track your targets once you have found them manually.


To find targets automatically you would need a "Goto" system but I don't believe there is one  available for this set-up.



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To give this scope a GoTo mount, you would have to discard the mount and tripod, and attach a dovetail bar to the tube rings so you can attach the scope to the GoTo mount. You probably don't want to know what this would cost, unless you can find a used GoTo mount offered cheaply. You can check the pricing of Skywatcher GoTo mounts from forum sponsor FLO.

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Thanks Guys, I am starting think i might be best to start again, with something that does it all to start with. So any ideas as to what i should get, thinking no more then £400, and if i could use the tripod that i have then i wouldn't mind. Unless i could sell what i have for reasonable money. Thanks



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1 hour ago, travelbug10 said:

Thanks Guys, I am starting think i might be best to start again, with something that does it all to start with. So any ideas as to what i should get, thinking no more then £400, and if i could use the tripod that i have then i wouldn't mind. Unless i could sell what i have for reasonable money. Thanks



If you check ebay you may see what your outfit is worth if sold used. FLO has a section on scopes for beginners. You should look there first for ideas and see what you like that you can afford (assuming it is in stock).  £400 is barely enough for an outfit with GoTo unless you buy used.

I doubt that you can re-use your tripod.  It is unlikely that you can buy a GoTo mount head that fits straight onto it and anyway the tripod will not be worth much.  It would probably make more financial sense to dispose of your existing kit as a complete setup.

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Hello, and welcome, Alan, to this friendly forum!

On 17/07/2021 at 23:06, Cosmic Geoff said:

It would probably make more financial sense to dispose of your existing kit as a complete setup.

Yes, indeed; and not only financial sense. From looking at some ads, I' d guess, that the 1000 PS "Newtonian" scope is one of the ominous "Bird-Jones" variety. The short tube length, combined with the 1000 mm focal length, is very suspicious. A "Bird-Jones" optical design (do some research on this!) combines a spherical primary mirror with corrective optical elements and will be not easily collimatable. Paired with an equatorial mount (usually of the flimsy sort) and a lowest magnification of 50x (20 mmf eyepiece), looking at stars can really be a challenge for a newbie.

I' d suggest to take the "Dobsonian" route. The mount is simple, very sturdy, and cheap as well, so most of the money will be spent on the (parabolic primary mirror) optics. The short focal length will allow low magnifications, thus easier finding of celestial targets. Handling and tracking is intuitive and becomes second nature in a short time. For your money you could get a Skywatcher Heritage Flextube P 130 or 150, or a used 200/1200 Dob. Many pleased owners on here; and for good reasons this CloudyNights thread on the One Sky Newtonian (identical with the 130 P Flextube) has now 208 pages:


Enjoy the journey and keep asking!




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I am a beginner and find the starsense explorer VERY usable.  I have the 6" but for much less money you could go with the 127.     https://www.firstlightoptics.com/celestron-starsense-explorer-series.html None of that motorised nonsense and polar alignment etc etc.  Just follow you phone then fine tune. 

Edited by Starslayer
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