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Success adding polar scope to AZ-GTI - how do I use it during setup?


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I've had some luck 3d printing a bracket to hold a polar scope (skywatcher hm5) to fix to the Skywatcher AZ-GTI. see here -> topic/379380

Now feeling a bit dense and wondering if anyone can advise how exactly I make use of that during setup and alignment?

Do I simply manualy polar align using the polar scope, before turning on the mount, with the knowledge that the axis of rotation should be pretty good then on?

Or is there some part of the alignment procedure within the synscan pro app (used on iphone) whereby the Polar Scope could come into play?

Forgive me if this question is blindingly obvious, but any advice gladly received.

Haven't had a chance to actually use the setup in EQ mode at night yet, but trying to get prepared for when I do.

Cheers Sam

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I'd say have the mount in the home position and pointing north with the correct lattitude/Dec. Then use the polar clock untility in the Sam console app to place polaris in the correct position, providing your polar clock is calibrate centrally with 0 at the top and 6 at bottom. Then should be ok I'd of thought. Personally I'd attach the polar scope bracket to the wedge somehow (maybe another 3d printing project). I have one of those blue brackets with polar scope hole I bought from Ali express but never used it as always to cloudy  and going into guiding now and using sharpcap to pa whenever the skies clear over 3 weeks and counting. 


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