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Sol in H⍺- 12 June 2021.


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After a short break imaging the Sun, I picked up the scope again on 12th June which was a partly cloudy day but warm at 22 ℃ and rising. There were constant interruptions due to cloud moving in and out of view and no real flow to the session. Also the disc offered little of interest and only one prominence of note was on view. 


Images 1 & 2 - AR12832 (classified as BXO) was nearing the North West limb. Some small filaments were nearby. Presented here in two flavours.

Sol_AR12832_20210612_103617X2_5_DBE.png.707fdc88e456d796b13bee2ab15d4c47.png            Sol_AR12832_20210612_103617X2_RGB.png.753c23febaa9fa98333ae65bcd526cc8.png


Images 3 & 4 - The full solar disc, inverted in ImPPG using the curves tool to show off the prominences. Black and white and ‘Jaffa Cake’ orange options available.

Sol_Full_Disc_20210612_101402Z.png.6030c05f14de35e073632d95bfb5e869.png          Sol_Full_Disc_20210612_101402Z_RGB.png.fea5a911009b4fff0f257f89728f7766.png


Image 5 & 6 - Close up of the prominence on the South West limb and an estimate of its height.

11_03_18Z_lapl4_ap200.png.e8b4a888791b066d1c404150eae7effe.png           11_03_18Z_lapl4_ap200_Ruler.png.5f6659fc44a3d35d0877bcfba3eb6187.png


The forecast for this weekend is rain, rain and more rain so I hope you have clearer skies and have a fun one.




Edited by Hughsie
Added Solar Ruler
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