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Need diameter of Skywatcher 130 and 150

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Thats great thanks.

Looks like its a 130 then (But longer?????)

Looking at buying a scope but the seller doesnt know what on it is but just said:

The diameter is 6.5 inch and the length of the scope is 32.5 inch.


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That could be the long version of the 130 - on that pic the scope is upside down by the way which would indicate someone not familiar with telescopes.

That scope also has an EQ2 mount which would suggest its actually the long version of the 130 which I dont think SW do any more.

Dont get into a bidding war on it if its on ebay cos 130s come up regularly for about £90

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Been watching a few 130's and 150's come and go but normaly over £125 for the 130's.

This is what I have bought: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&item=170299743138

Not sure if its a bargain or not but should be ok to learn on.

I noticed it was upside down :(

It comes with a few extras like the motor etc and as this is my first scope I didn't want to spend loads buying the scope then extras etc.

This should last me a few years (I am sure we all say that at the start) and get a 200 or something at a later date when I know what I am doing (Well I hope I get to that stage :D)

Thanks for help :D

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