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Celestron 130eq Astromaster

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I recently received a Celestron 130eq Astromaster, however i noticed there's a piece missing. I'm still learning what all the parts are called on the telescope but i believe it's the part connected to the draw tube? I'm hoping that someone can help me with this so i can buy a replacement and start using it :) i have attached a photo to show you what i'm talking about. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks 



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I would call the missing piece the eyepiece clamp. If the telescope is new I would return it for replacement, if it is second hand your best bet is probably to try contacting whoever you bought it from to see if they can find the missing piece. Unfortunately, I suspect buying a replacement will be very difficult unless you get lucky with someone selling off a damaged Astromaster for spares. Failing that, you might have to buy an entire focuser of approximately the same size as the one on the telescope and fit that. 

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Yes.  Definitely sad that a scope is sold like this.  Hope you didnt pay much for it in this state.   Im not sure but when you’re a bit comfortable with working with a caliper, you can try to find out what thread is needed for this part.  You dont really have to buy the original part. Plenty of third party accessories that will probably even be a better quality.   This scope is a bit an expensive starter scope.  Family of mine had this and stopped the interest in stargazing, just because the scope and mount combination was very hard to work with.  So try to complete the set as cheap as you can and sell/swap/trade the set as soon as your joy disappears because the mount keep working against you

Edited by Robindonne
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Thank you soo much for the replies :)  my brother in law bought the telescope as new. I'm not sure if the piece was missing when he unboxed it or if he done the setup wrong and maybe binned the part lol. I have found a focuser mount for £30 which has the eyepiece clamp attached :) 

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