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Advice for enhancing detail in white light DSLR only solar imaging


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So I've started taking some photos of the sun in white light with my canon DSLR/75-300mm kit lens and solar filter with Baader film. I've managed to capture a small sunspot and I think I can see some very subtle texture to the surface but I was wondering if there is anything I can do to my set up that might bring that texture out further? I've heard of the Baader Continuum filter, solar wedges and calcium filters if you've got a telescope set-up, but I'm just using a DSLR only. Is there anything else that I could add in to the image train that could enhance anything and that won't cost the earth, I don't know maybe a colour lens filter perhaps or any other kind of lens filter. Or maybe a better lens would help. Or would further post processing help, I have photoshop which I use for my regular astrophotography. Any advice welcome. Cheers.

[Edited note: Apologies, I've just realised I posted this in the solar observing forum and it should have been in the solar imaging forum!]


Edited by bendiddley
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I tried your image in ImPPG but the sharpening was immediately overblown. Artefacts!
So I tried some simple manipulation in an image handling software. PhotoFiltre.
Both images have been heavily cropped and resized for more scale. Which is usually a bad thing.
Though not if you don't print it on a poster.

I'd be trying to increase your image scale using a physical teleconverter. [Can be pricey!]
Many DSLRs can increase image scale internally. Applying Teleconverter or Digital Zoom in the menus.
I use both [digital enlargements] regularly and find they cause minimal damage to my images.
Solidity of your camera support is vital. Camera shake can be avoided using the self timer or a remote release.
You can also try manual focusing instead of auto. The results are a matter of taste:

IMG_9770.thumb.jpg.43512c9a17709c9ceb0dbaaf902d1ec9 1 2.jpg

IMG_9770.thumb.jpg.43512c9a17709c9ceb0dbaaf902d1ec9 2.jpg

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Thanks a lot for having a play with my image. I think the solidity thing is an easy one to solve. I used a lightweight camera tripod for this image and there probably was some camera shake when the shutter was released, I've seen this problem in some still life photography I've been doing and when I used a sturdier tripod the problem went away so I think I will have another play and see what happens. I'll have a look into the Teleconverter or Digital Zoom thing too. I did do some further research into other ways of enhancing detail and it was mentioned that a green filter can help with this, not sure if that is only for visual solar observation though or if it will work in imaging as well, might give it a try.

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