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A quick (first) look at Albireo


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As a relative newbie, I've never seen Albireo in a scope. It's not well placed for me until rather late but I've found it, visually, before now. Last night was clear until early hours and I really have wanted a look at it. The seeing wasn't very good but I was determined to have a go. Not having aimed a scope at it before I had no idea of what magnification it would need either.

Being a late decision to try for it, I popped the Heritage 114P out and took the Hyperflex 7.2-21.5mm zoom and my newly-arrived BST 5mm. I waited until Cygnus was above the murk (nearly midnight) and managed to place Albireo in the RDF. In the Hyperflex it became apparent that high mag isn't needed but I tried the BST anyway. Well, it's new-to-me so has to be done!

The BST did darken the sky a lot and provide a beautiful view (as did the Hyperflex at 7.2mm). There were times when the colour contrast was not so obvious, due to the seeing but there were also moments when it was just sheer beauty. I'm glad I made the effort and was suitably rewarded. The BST performed well in the scope, so I'm pleased there too.

A worthwhile exercise and Albireo seen at last, I can appreciate why folk talk about it now!

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