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Ekos and camera imaging experiment


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So, there are no nice scopes in the shops (that I can afford anyway!) and I really wanted to try and get better images than either my ST80 or my Mak can achieve. I'm really liking the wide field stuff especially. I do have a DSLR and I do have some older M42 lenses. 'So,' I think, 'I REALLY LOVE ekos, plate solving et al. I wonder if I can get it to work with my 135mm lens?' Googling it didn't come up with much definitively either way apart from other people have asked the same questions...

The answer friends, as I found out last night is yes!! Put the lens details in Ekos in place of the scope. It worked out the FOV, plate solving worked fine. Focussing worked fine. PA was spot on. Quick test images of M81/82 and M39 - bloody promising (although I had left the lens at a midway f number (not sure which as I moved it in the dark when I put the stuff away 🤣) rather than its fastest f2.8, and I imaged at ISO 800 rather than the 1600 I usually use. BUT, the images I did get at 30s, seem better than either the ST80 or the Mak could get for the same exposure (albeit a different FOV obvs!).

I really rather excited to try a few more - better results will get posted here obviously!


Edited by Dazzyt66
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So I had some time last night to do some widefield using the 135mm at f2.8 which looks promising! Both images are just 20x30s (with bias and flats). M31 and North American Nebula (although with an unmodded DSLR I don't know how to process it, so I guess I'll have to read up!).

I'm gonna try my 80-200 zoom next at 200 and see what occurs!





Edited by Dazzyt66
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Nice shots. Well done.

A big +1 for EKOS. We have a lot of visitors who bring their own equipment and it just has to work. No fiddling around trying to get different apps talking to each other.

There are some nice lenses to be had economically in the 50mm to 300mm range. Here's our side by side arrangement with a 135.



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3 hours ago, alacant said:


Nice shots. Well done.

A big +1 for EKOS. We have a lot of visitors who bring their own equipment and it just has to work. No fiddling around trying to get different apps talking to each other.

There are some nice lenses to be had economically in the 50mm to 300mm range. Here's our side by side arrangement with a 135.



Thanks! Yeah, am loving Ekos and looking forward to experiencing a number of lenses - dunno why I never tried it before! 😀

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