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Autostakkert3! any way to stop it going right back to the beginning?

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I'm experimenting with some lunar data I gathered, 5000 images in a SER file. As you can imagine, it's quite a slow business, despite my PC being reasonably fast. What I'm finding rather frustrating, is that having done the analysis of all 5000 frames, and stacked the best say 10%, if I now want to stack 5% to see which is better, AS goes right back to the beginning, and I have to go through tha whole analysis stage all over again. Having done it once, and ordered the frames by quality, is there any way to simply just stack a different percentage or number of frames, without going right back to the start?



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Top right hand side there are several pink boxes, you input the number of frames or percentage of frames you want to stack in there and you can put in 5, 10, 15, 20 in the boxes (or whatever percentages you want) and AS3 will churn through in one go and create a stacked image for each percentage.

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A quick follow up re Craig's excellent advice; I ran my data through AS!3 again last night, whilst I was asleep, and awoke this morning to a set of eight stacked images, ranging from 10 to 400 subs per image. Absolutely perfect way to do this, and just what I'd hoped for.

Thanks again Craig 🙂


Edit: surprisingly, the best stack of the eight, was the best 25 frames of 5000...


Edited by stevepsheehan
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