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M42 10 sec exposure my first photo


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As I can't readily polar align, no view of polaris, no autoguiding, I tried a 30 sec exposure but I got star trails so here is a 10 sec exposure using canon 1000D on sw120ED pro on a vixen sphinx mount.

Slight tweeks in paint shop...I know now where near as good as those posted recently but it is a start.


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That is a nice start vgood colours, you can tell polar alignmt is out with vertical kidney stars. Without polaris you can drift align but is does take an hour from scratch. But when your aligned imagine what is possible - great start. JohnH.

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Thanks for the positive comments, I nearly didn't post it after seeing some of the other spectacular results you guys get but I am glad I did.

It is a goto mount so I will have to bite the bullet and do drift alignment or is there some other technique?.

I really want to get an autoguider maybe QHY5 but I am not sure if it will work with the guider port on the vixen starbook, I need also a laptop/netbook to run the guiding software....more retail therapy required I think. I have Ordered Covingtons book on DSLR photography.

Any other tips always appreciated


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This pic reminds me of the moment M42 first popped up on the laptop screen in all its glory, although that was 30s.

The pic is very like the view through a scope, without the colour though.

I like it. Congratulations on an excellent first image.


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