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My aperture fever is cured for a couple of days.


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So first there was the TAL 110m then the 5.1 inch skywatcher then the able 6 inch TAL 150P ( offers over £100 if you want it) and NOW......

I am now the very proud owner of a 250PX skywatcher dob... :hello1:

Had a quick go last night. Could see Orion Neb better than in a 6 inch even with the full moon. Even better with the OIII. I can see what they mean by the OIII filter is designed for larger scopes. Nearly blinded by the moon, then put the polarising filter in and WOW. Saturn, just look at Titan under the slither of rings.

So on to the pole star. The secondry was easy to see. The stars are so sharp, points of light, really seems great and a bargin at £195 considering its 7 months old!!.

Just getting used to a dob mount, a bit squeeky and difficult to move a little bit, really miss those slow mo controls. Oh no I need an EQ6...

OK now I wonder how much better a 16 inch is.

Come on Virgo lets be having you, no longer just the M galaxies my first galaxy chain is coming up I am sure....

Sorry rain and snow tonight is therefore my fault.



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