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200p Focuser question

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I was doing some house keeping on the recently acquired skywatcher 200p and noticed that the focuser is very slightly out of square with the tube. 
The top two adjustment screws on the focuser body are at different depths. And looking at the body of the focuser with the barrel turned all the way out you can see that the focuser angles in very slightly towards the primary mirror. 
is this normal? I assumed it should be at a perfect 90 degrees to the secondary mirror. 
would it be beneficial to get the focuser square to the tube and then pull the secondary back to centralise it in the focuser or is the extra work not worth the results. 
when collimating I can get the mirrors lined up but there is a slight tilt on the secondary as the reflected circle is not totally central to the surrounding black area you see with the collimation cap on. 
apologies for being a bit vague on the last bit. I’m not sure of the full technical term. I have read though some scopes won’t have a perfect ring around the reflection and some do. 

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