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Is this a geosynchronous satellite?

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On Saturday night (3rd of April) I was up on Exmoor (Dunkery Beacon) taking some last ditch widefield shots of Orion with my newly modded Canon 6D.  At the same time I was using my un-modded 6D to catch the Zodiacal light, as the light dwindled at about 10pm I thought I'd take some other widefield images of the winter milky way.  When I got to review the images I could see this streak of light in the images that seemed to stay in a static location.  My first guess would be a geosynchronous satellite catching the last light of the setting sun?

Could anyone confirm my thoughts and if so tell me how I could identify the satellite?

Many thanks,



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Not sure about all satellites but if you use Sky Safari, switch on ‘show satellites’ in settings and rewind to the time, you might be able to identify it.

Hope that helps.

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