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Ha 2" filter recommendations


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Hey, I'm looking for a Ha 2" filter and I'm really lost with all the different options. I'll start with some general information, I'm using the ASI071MC Pro, I own the following scopes:
Esprit 120, SharpStar 61 EDPH II, C8 Edge HD(will probably not be used as much).

I'll image from both bortle 6 and bortle 3 locations, so I guess that might be taken into consideration in terms of light pollution.
I don't have a set budget, but I don't intent to go towards the chroma/astrodon budget, that just feels way to expensive for me compared to other options.
I mostly thought of either the Baader 3.5nm Ha 2" filter:

Or the Antlia 3.5nm Ha 2":

But I've just seen that there is a 3nm Antlia filters:

They're a bit more expensive though. I tried to search for some comparisons, but couldn't find many, I looked at results using these filters, but 2 images could show very different things due to so many variables, so it's hard to actually see the quality.

So I'd like to hear some suggestions of people who maybe compared or tried these filters, which one would be better, or what's more recommended.

I'd also like to ask about whether I should actually get a 3/3.5nm filters - I'm usually not taking that very long exposures, around 3-5 minutes, since I'm using OSC camera, I've never really had the need for that for any target I imaged. As far as I understand, with a thinner filter, I'll need to take longer exposure to 'compensate' for the thin wavelengths, but since I'll be imaging from bortle 6(not that it's that great) and under skies, that means I might be able to get away with a thicker filter(e.g 5nm for example) for a bit shorter exposures and still have good results due to the light pollution being 'okayish'. One more thing to note, I want the Ha filter to be used for galaxies as well, I fear that for galaxies 3nm/3.5nm Ha filter would be too thin to give good results.

This is just my thoughts, maybe I'm completely wrong, which is why I'm asking here.

Thanks for the help! :)

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2 minutes ago, callisto said:

I personally use these Filters-  https://www.altairastro.com/altair-2-premium-7nm-ha-narrowband-filter-309-p.asp

But I just realised your not in the UK so don't know about postage?



Yep I'm not from the UK, but I guess I can find some solution, how are these filters in general? Any halos? Do you have some Ha channel examples(maybe in a bright star region to see how it is)

Thanks :)

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