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iPotron CEM40 or SW EQ6R-Pro with iGuider or separate Guidescope?

Daniel Karl

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Hey :)

I'm thinking about getting back into Astro-Imaging after a long break and want to start with a mount.
Eventually I was planning to put a 4-5" APO on it around 600-800mm focal length.

After a lot of reading, the iOptron CEM40 seems like a nice choice and has perhaps a slight edge over
the EQ6R-Pro - that's purely a feeling from reading a ton of reviews, but maybe I am wrong?

The iPolar system seems to be something that most users are quite happy with (and seems to be a bit
less annoying than the drift method I used to have to use back in the days)

When it comes to guiding, I like the idea to have a guidescope that stays with the mount and is optimised
to it, but I couldn't find as many raving reviews of the iGuider as I could of the iPolar. So I wonder if I'd get
more out of an independent unit (could maybe even use the guidecam as planetary cam once in a while).

Does any of this make any sense by any chance?


Edited by Daniel Karl
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I've also been looking at these two to replace my EQ5 GoTo.

The things that struck me about CEM40 was the cable management and weight to payload. What I wasn't so struck on was that the mount alone was the same price as the EQ6R-Pro and it was an extra £300 for the tripod & iPolar. I'm also not that impressed with the looks of the iGuider, an extra £200 for a 30mm guide scope and camera, it's nice that it connects to the mount, rather than the scope, but I would tend to stick with the 60mm guide scope and ASI120MM Mini I already have. ;) 

The other thing I think they could improve on is the bolts which secure the mount to the tripod. From what I've read, these have to be loosened with an allen key for polar alignment and then tightened again, which can be a bit of a pain. 

I know this all sounds negative but I do like the CEM40 as choice and I'd be interested to hear from those who have this mount as it seems to get good performance reviews.

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@Budgie1 yeah, that's exactly my impressions as well from all the reading. Mounting a guider to the mount instead of on the scope might be an idea for other scopes as well.
I do like their Tri Pier Tripod, but for 500 ... I would probably look into other options for the legs. The iPolar seems to be worth the money. The Allen key situation for polar alignment sounds not great - that might be one of those things where I could perhaps DIY a solution though.
I was almost tempted to wait another half year and save up for the CEM70, but I'd just end up looking into larger telescopes as well - haha.

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If your looking to mount a 4-5 inch refractor I'd look at a CEM60. Granted they're out of production but they're a really stable mount and they do come up on the SH market.

Yes I have one and a 4.5 inch refractor but hopefully not biased.

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I have a CEM40 (non EC model and before the G version came out) and I'm very happy with it.

I've used it with fully a loaded Esprit 100 and also with a FRA600 so far with no issues. Guiding is typically ~0.6-0.7" but has been as low as 0.5" on really good nights. Love the cable management too.

I personally wouldn't recommend the in-built guider version as it is quite limited in focal length.

Happy to answer any more specific questions you might have!

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@Spongey how do you have yours mounted, are you using the 1.5", 1.75" tripod or is it on pier?

If you're using the one of the tripods, how is it for stability with your Esprit 100?

And how do you get on with PA and the bolts in the mount, is it an issue or just something you get used too?


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@Spongey Thanks a lot for chiming in and offering your experience! That sounds good indeed! The 'worst case' I could end up with in terms of Telescope would be a 152/900.
Weighing in at 8.5kg for the OTA only. Do you reckon, that'd push it?
And how do you feel about the iPolar?

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23 minutes ago, Budgie1 said:

@Spongey how do you have yours mounted, are you using the 1.5", 1.75" tripod or is it on pier?

If you're using the one of the tripods, how is it for stability with your Esprit 100?

And how do you get on with PA and the bolts in the mount, is it an issue or just something you get used too?


I'm using the 1.75" LiteRoc tripod and it is solid as a rock (no pun intended). When I had the Esprit 100 I never worried about stability being an issue. 

PA is a breeze; I have the bolts just loose enough to be able to adjust them without using tools, but tight enough that they stay put after adjustment.

20 minutes ago, Daniel Karl said:

@Spongey Thanks a lot for chiming in and offering your experience! That sounds good indeed! The 'worst case' I could end up with in terms of Telescope would be a 152/900.
Weighing in at 8.5kg for the OTA only. Do you reckon, that'd push it?
And how do you feel about the iPolar?

A long, heavy refractor like that would probably be pushing it in terms of moment arm, especially for imaging. 

iPolar is fantastic, I'm typically polar aligned in <5 minutes.

Edited by Spongey
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Thanks @Spongey - I might have to get back to the drawing board with this 🤪
I quite like the SW Esprit 100, but they're not that easy to get these days and I could probably do with a little more aperture, plus I'll be 95% NB so the Evostar 120ED DS Pro seems like a good fit, just a little too long in focal length.

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