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NGC2264 Christmas Tree Nebula and surrounding region in RGB

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As much as I want to take my own images with my own kit, this winter hasn't been brilliant for anyone so i have gone with Roboscopes in Spain for a year to see how i get on, and still try to use my own kit as much as possible! At least i should get some processing practice which is very necessary. 

There is plenty choice of what system to use, and therefore target, and since i hadn't even used osc, i thought why not. This is my first osc image and was primarily an experiment for myself so i deliberately chose a star dense field just to have a try. The "kit" is from Pier 4 with the Sigma 105 lens and the ASI2600MC camera and is 84 x 300".

Thanks for looking



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thanks Alan; this was definitely an experiment in osc for me so maybe and i was surprised at the results so maybe i should try again? I have my resolution on this at 7.6"/p compared with my home widefield running around 2.7, but i think it far more likely to be me that is missing something as i cant see any structure - i plate solved just to check, though the larger stars look right

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