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Mount stopped tracking - ASCOM issue?


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Can anybody shed any light on what happened here?  Was imaging happily, was working fine all evening, guiding going well, half hour left on imaging plan before the rosette got too low, then all of a sudden I had this message pop up in PHD2 and guiding stopped:




I closed PHD2, tried to start guiding again and I noticed that the stars on the guide scope were trailing, so I thought that was weird. 

Went into APT and noticed tracking had stopped.

I tried turning tracking back on but then kept getting this message:



No idea what caused this, but I disconnected the mount from APT and tracking then worked all seems OK now, but just curious as to what may have happened. 

Any ideas?

I thought it could have been the celestron power tank running low, but that's not it as I've just checked and it's still half full

Edited by Adam1234
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As the message said "check the debug log for more information"........... !

You'll need to upload the GuideLog and Debug Log to the PHD2 help site.

Details on how to are in the Help menu of PHD2

Make sure you upload the correct date files.




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Thanks Michael, 

I checked the debug log, but I don't believe it was an issue with PHD2, rather more of a symptom - the error message in PHD2 it seems was a result of ASCOM disconnecting, hence why the tracking in APT disabled, as to why ascom disconnected no idea but at least I got it working again within minutes.  

23:43:12.358 00.003 5700 ASCOM Scope: DisPHD2_DebugLog_2021-02-27_184619.txtconnecting



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  • Adam1234 changed the title to Mount stopped tracking - ASCOM issue?

This happened again last night while imaging - I disconnected the mount and reconnected and it seemed to work fine after that. 


I have a theory after speaking to a work colleague who is also a computer scientist - I recently had an update to my laptop (Windows 10), so could it be likely that I need to install the latest ASCOM drivers?  

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