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About ready to scrap my EQM-35...

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Not really, thing is worth selling on at least 🤣 

But I am losing my patience with it rapidly. I've got a 102 refractor on it currently, for visual only. I can get it level and balance the scope well, and the setup is well within the weight limit for observing. But I cannot get it aligned very well at all, and I believe the main reason to be because I cannot see Polaris from my house so I cannot align it using the polar scope, I cannot figure out how to connect it to my laptop, drift aligning is a complete mystery, and I'm basically useless. Because I'm using it for observing only atm and have no cameras etc, I cannot follow any aligning via autoguiding advice either. I'm stuck. I can set it all up and begin aligning, but even doing a 3 star align I am always well off target (for example, tried Sirius today, was pretty much in the right direction but the scope was pointing too low). Whenever I use the handset to find the target and then try the next star, its always off again. 

Basically...help? Anyone else in a similar situation? I'm at the point where I'd genuinely pay for someone to come and show me what to do. If we weren't in lockdown, I'd beg! 




Edited by ToHellAndBack123
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9 minutes ago, happy-kat said:

Thank you so much! The app really helped me check everything over, and I'm looking at this link right now :D

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6 minutes ago, powerlord said:

have you tried using the mobile apps ( polar align pro on iOS, polaraligner pro on android).

both have daylight modes which align via your mobile gyros and are pretty accurate - certainly sufficient for visual.


Oooo no I haven't - I'm absolutely going to give them a try now though! Thank you! 

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