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Solar - which scope do I choose (from 2)?


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I'm a newbie at observing anything, so I've never tried solar. I'm well aware of the requirements for a secure, full-aperture filter, so that's not the question. I have 2 scopes, a SW114P Virtuoso and a SW 150PL on an Alt-Az and the plan would be to equip one or other with a filter. I'm thinking ahead to the partial eclipse in June so I don't want to try getting a filter last-minute, they'll be gone. I also think solar might be an interesting side-avenue to explore anyway. Given the choice, which would be the better scope to use?

The Viruoso will track the Sun (well almost, it's sidereal rate), whereas the 150PL will not. However, I can get higher magnifications with less quality loss with the 150PL should I require it. Not having much clue as to whether high magnifications are worthwhile on solar, do I go for that or go for near-tracking? Clearly, light-grasp isn't different enough to be a concern on solar (I assume).

Advice from the more experienced than myself please...

(EDIT: I've realised this probably would have been better placed in the beginners section, mods feel free to to move)

Edited by wulfrun
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I would opt for the SW 150L, it will have better resolution and wider spread of magnification potential.  Seeing conditions play quite a significant impact on the magnification that can be used but when they are good, the 150L will also shine.     🙂 

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I know this has been said before... 

  1. Do remember to check your full aperture solar filter before each and every use for any pinholes, scratches, tears, etc.
  2. Do not leave the 'scope unattended if young children are present/nearby.
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