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Com Port/ ZW 294mm connect


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Help needed after the worst night in my astronomy journey.
I have invested in a new microsoft surface laptop and just got a new zw 294mm camera. Over the last few weeks I have installed all software needed and lastest drives. Also latest ascom platform. The other night I used the laptop to connect to the new camera and do my dark library. Last night for the first time I connected via a long usb3 cable that I always use to the pier and scope. So far so good. Now the bad bit. I can connect to the camera. I can connect to the focuser and the FW and the guide cam all down the cable that enters the laptop via a usbc port but Eqmod can not find a com port ????? . In the devices section no com ports show. So how can Eqmod work? I find that you can install com ports but how do you activate them.
Now in frustration I get my old laptop out and fire up. My old ZW1600 worked on it and to my horror . The eqmod connected as did the other bits but NO CAMERA!!!!. I down load the latest drivers but still no joy. The only camera it sees it the zw120 guide cam. I disconnect it and restart the laptop. STill no zw294mm!!!.
At 2am I sit there with 2 laptops. One that can not find my mount and the other that can not find the camera 🤬🤬🤬🤬
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Back to basics....  Does your new laptop have 'standard' usb3 ports and or any usb2 ports ?  also do you have any short, good quality , usb cables cables and maybe a good quality external hub ?

If you then connect each device singly, and monitor the computers device manager, especially looking for 'un-recognised devices', but also at the same time have system event viewer open & monitor what windows thinks is going on... 

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