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Esprit 100ed on HEQ5 Pro - thoughts

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Hi all,

As above - what are your thoughts on an esprit 100ed on a heq5 pro mount?  This for imaging purposes mainly.

Other equipment will be:

Evoguide 50ed, zwo120mm mini, zwo533mc pro, and field flattener......which I can't see weighing a particularly large amount.

I have seen a number of different views on this elsewhere so wanted to get your thoughts.

Yay or nay?




Edited by Jonny_H
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3 hours ago, Jonny_H said:

Hi all,

As above - what are your thoughts on an esprit 100ed on a heq5 pro mount?  This for imaging purposes mainly.

Other equipment will be:

Evoguide 50ed, zwo120mm mini, zwo533mc pro, and field flattener......which I can't see weighing a particularly large amount.

I have seen a number of different views on this elsewhere so wanted to get your thoughts.

Yay or nay?




I tried it and ended up having to sell the HEQ5 pro for a AZ EQ6 GT, so no i dont recommend it. The esprit 100 is a heavy scope for a 100mm aperture.

With a OSC you will get away with it slightly more than I did with a mono camera as your effective image scale is reduced by the colour matrix but my stars where never quite round and I am picky, you may be less picky.

I would say I was getting 1.1 arcseconds with the HEQ5 and that was not quite enough for my 1.5 arcsecond image scale ( Guide RMS should ideally be half the image scale).



Edited by Adam J
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  • Jonny_H changed the title to Esprit 100ed on HEQ5 Pro - thoughts
  • 1 year later...

Did you ever go a head with this setup and if you did, how did the mount cope? I currently have a heq5 pro and thinking of buying the esprit 100 so It will be a similar setup to what you have. I will be getting a new mount later next year so if I  could get away with the heq5 for now then happy days. 

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I use a skymax180 on an heq5, the skymax is a similar weight to the esprit 100 and once you have added all the other stuff on, I would say it will work but you are right on the limits. I don't use the skymax for imaging other than single shots so cannot comment on star shapes etc but I do know that using a lighter telescope plus the add on's, the goto and tracking seems, IMO, to be far more accurate. 

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