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Altair Reducers - Starwave 0.8 v Lightwave 0.8

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Hi All,

I'm about to order an Altair 72 EDF (f6) - deluxe no less! And would like an appropriate reducer/ flattener (rather than the 1x flattener) . 

Does anyone know which of the Lightwave 0.8 or Starwave 0.8  is more suitable for the little 72? I've googled about for ages and haven't really found anything of use.

The Starwave has about a £20-30 premium over the light wave .  I believe in general terms the Starwave is the more premium of the 2 scope ranges?

Any experiences /thoughts appreciated👍

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The Lightwave is their generic reducer, it is probably the same as the OVL version,  Stellamira etc and should work well enough with a range of scopes. The Starwave one is more designed for the Starwave line of scopes as it lists specific back spacing for either the 80EDR, 102EDR and 110ED. It also has a rotator built in. It may work with your scope but its trial and error getting the spacing right. I have it on my 80EDR and the backspacing is 63mm. For your shorter focal length i'd try 65mm to start with, should you choose it. Personally, if they are offering an optically matched 1.0 flattener for that specific scope, then I'd go for that, as in theory it should offer superior performance. What camera do you plane to use? Sensor size will dictate how well the flattener/reducer should perform. Have you spoke with Altair?

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Hi ,

Many thanks David for the swift response.

No I haven't as yet asked Altair, thinking I'd probe the community first for any experienced observations.

I noted the rotator, quite handy, though the scope has a rotator ring already.

Thanks for the Back focus spacing advice. sounds a reasonable starting point. Yes there is what I believe a 'specific' 1x flattener available. the gumph alongside the advert  'At F6, this telescope can be used with the optional 1.0x field flattener or 0.8x reducer (code: LW-0.8xRED = the Lightwave version)" 

Good ask on the camera front, My intention for now at least is continue with my 650d Dslr. So APS-C 22.3X14.9 4.29um pixel pitch.

Inevitably when funds allow a single shot colour (ZWO) will be most likely the next step. Mono pretty much ruled out after factoring in my availability and the UK weather access to sufficient clear skies!

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