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First light for my Esprit 100 and ASI2600MC Pro


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OK, this image isn't going to win any awards, but I'm glad to finally start imaging again (my first serious image for probably 20 years) and end up with an image I am reasonably happy with and can build upon.

I started out using the Esprit 100 with the Starizona Apex reducer but cannot for the life of me get the flats to calibrate the lights properly and just end up with a horrendously over-corrected image. So, for the time being I have reverted back to the standard Skywatcher FF which has worked fine.

Anyway, this is my Rosette nebula using the Optolong L-Extreme from Bortle 8 skies and 78% illuminated moon. The scope is currently setup in my office back garden, once I get it setup properly at home I have Bortle 3/4 skies to play with.

40x240s lights, 30 flats and 30 darkflats. It ended up turning into more of an 'arty' image as it's my first time processing data from a dedicated CMOS camera, but I'm happy with the result which is what matters I guess 😀


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Nothing wrong with "arty" to my eye. I'd say that the level of resolution and detail looks fantastic and promise some super images from your set up.

I am far from an expert but perhaps raising the blackpoint a tad would leave the Rosette standing out more.

Congrats of yur first light.

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