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Live L+Ha combination

Martin Meredith

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Last night was the first chance I had for a month to test out a new feature in Jocular which detects the presence of L plus narrowband subs, and allows the contribution of the narrowband component to be visualised as a separate layer. The user has control over blending via the saturation slider and also the degree of stretch (modifed gamma function) applied to the narrowband signal, but the rest is automatic (i.e. choose L and Ha from the sequencer and hit capture).

While it isn't possible to demonstrate the live effect, here's what the ends of the saturation continuum look like for the Crab (8 x 15s in L + 8 x 15s in Ha) and the Horsehead (11 x 15s in L + 12 x 15s in Ha).




The software has to subtract any gradient and the background on the Ha signal in order to avoid producing an overall pink cast, but it is hard to avoid getting pink stars because there is plenty of Ha signal there, so in a sense this is the 'right' result, although visually unappealing....

If there is a chance tonight I'll see if I can produce any results in galaxies with star-forming regions, which was one of my main motivations in implementing this feature.





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