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Guide/planetary 2021


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from all colour cameras, including the recent models, what would give the best combination as guider (oag16x16mm newton-quattro “8”) and planetary camera (skymax180)I prefer not to spend more than 4/500, and brands Altair/zwo/qhy.   Even a reply with just a brand/model would help me a lot.   


Edited by Robindonne
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14 hours ago, nfotis said:

An imx462 sensor might be what you want?


Thx for pointing me in this direction.   Looks very promising indeed.   The qhy version is probably the first choice.  Waiting for order details.  Thx again

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Note that you may need both an IR UV cut filter and a IR pass filter (1.25" size is more than enough).

Because this sensor is quite sensitive in near infrared, using a IR pass filter would mean that you could shoot in infrared (even during daylight, if the sun isn't near your target (eg the Moon). And shooting in infrared is less sensitive to atmospheric conditions.

Shooting with an IR UV cut filter should offer a better colour image of the stars and other IR emitting targets.



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