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Finding those oh! So important little pieces.


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Having to part to part with my last pride and joy refractor, sob! Due to a health issue,  I am having to go through all of my luxuries to ensure they are presentable and saleable.

I have a Baader 2” click lock diagonal which has the 2” nosepiece dust cap missing. Foraging through the multitude of network hits, they were either very expensive for a small piece of plastic, or just the wrong item. I have a 3D printer, so I tried, twice!, to print off a cap, both failed mid print due to a slight over extrusion at one point which the nozzle hit and knocked the item off its adhesion, I gave up.

so, after searching and searching, I find dear old FLO has one in stock for....wait for it!


“well aunt emm, if I need to find my Astro desires then I need not go further than my own back yard”...Exeter is just down the road from me.

footnote...no extruder or printer was damaged in the making of this article.



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