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No lockdown distance limit when looking up , Leo Triplet


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So most of us are supposed to stay within a few miles of home, some of us shielding can't leave the house.
Claustrophobic yet ?


Well last clear night I was taking photographs of something 205,751,888,000,000,000,000 miles away.
So that's one way to think about the lockdown restrictions.


I hr 20 mins of the Leo Triplet with my SD103S , 360 second subs. Canon 600D astromodified DSLR


This is a reprocessed image (in Gimp) from the one I posted a few days ago , I think this one is far better).



Leo triplet 11 Jan 21 Blk pt 0 Quick Autosave 1000.jpg

Edited by fifeskies
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SD103s and a DSLR, was that with a reducer or the native scope? @Alan

It was with the native scope (image cropped).

I have been trying to acquire the new SD HD kit for my Vixen which is a 0.79 reducer and field flattener combined kit and is rumoured to be superior to the previous reducer. None to be had anywhere.


I don't see much distortion out to the edge of field with my DSLR in the Vixen, but it is the smaller APS-C sensor.

I cant say what it would be like with a full frame camera, but I image without distortion issues native on the smaller sensor, at least as far as I can see.


See you have a OOUK 10 inch as well , mine is the CT10L


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