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Rowan AZ100 owners. Couple of questions.


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Hello.  As I have been trying to save up some Astro pennies for a while with a view to hopefully purchasing one of these, I have a couple of questions that owners of the mount may be able to assist with. 

I really like the idea of running two scopes on the mount  (my 4 and 6 in Fracs ) and being able to synchronise them to view the same target. I've read the mount may have enough built in  "wiggle room " to allow this. I've seen that Rowan sell a Saddle altitude adjuster which enables adjustments in both axis to be made. Can anyone confirm if this plate needs to be used in conjunction with a Rowan saddle plate or if it will work with other makes of saddle - I have a couple of solid ADM saddles that I"m hoping to make use of. I'm thinking a Rowan saddle will be required - more pennies needed - sigh !!  

I"ve done quite a bit of reading up and am very impressed with the reviews I've seen. I can see that motors are being spoken about as a future upgrade.  I'm not needing the GoTo option but would like to buy a single RA motor so that once a target is found I can track it nicely.  Cannot see any info if this will be an option. Can anyone shed any light on this. 

Thanks in advance as always. John 

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The adjuster plate does need the Rowan saddle which has the correct holes in the back. Might be adaptable to the ADM saddle but would mean drilling and threading holes in them. 🙀

The GOTO upgrade is being tested by Rowan at the moment and due for release before too much longer. Will allow push to and then track as well as GOTO. Being an alt az mount just an az motor wouldn’t allow tracking. Mounting it on a wedge might work but no idea if they would sell just one motor. 🤔

Edited by johninderby
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My AZ100 didn’t quite have enough wiggle room to allow for comfortable dual scope mounting - azimuth was fine but alt was just sufficiently out of sync to be annoying.  The adjuster plate fixed that perfectly and I recommend it as I do Rowan’s own saddles.   I know it adds to the cost but it’s worth it in the end.    
I personally won’t bother with the motors; it defeats the object of having an alt-az push-to mount in the first place.  I stick to an equatorial mount for tracking and go-to.

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1 hour ago, johninderby said:

The adjuster plate does need the Rowan saddle which has the correct holes in the back. Might be adaptable to the ADM saddle but would mean drilling and threading holes in them. 🙀

The GOTO upgrade is being tested by Rowan at the moment and due for release before too much longer. Will allow push to and then track as well as GOTO. Being an alt az mount just an az motor wouldn’t allow tracking. Mounting it on a wedge might work but no idea if they would sell just one motor. 🤔


40 minutes ago, Alma said:

My AZ100 didn’t quite have enough wiggle room to allow for comfortable dual scope mounting - azimuth was fine but alt was just sufficiently out of sync to be annoying.  The adjuster plate fixed that perfectly and I recommend it as I do Rowan’s own saddles.   I know it adds to the cost but it’s worth it in the end.    
I personally won’t bother with the motors; it defeats the object of having an alt-az push-to mount in the first place.  I stick to an equatorial mount for tracking and go-to.

Thanks both. Durr !!  What was I thinking ??  RA motor won’t track on an alt AZ mount. Wot a muppet.  Scratch that idea. 

Think the mount, plus one Rowan saddle plus the adjuster plate shud suffice for me. 
Can anyone confirm that alternative saddles can be used on the opposite side of the mount,  away from the side with the adjuster plate ? 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Afternoon all. Trigger has been pulled. A couple of mounts have been moved on over the few weeks or so. 
Mount and one saddle due for delivery on Monday.  Heard my c card go “ouch” but hey. You only live once, Mr Bond ??!! 
Bish Bosh !! 
looking forward to being in the club so to speak. 


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