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vapor trail


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On July 5th of this year I saw a fast moving object, that appeared circular in shape, move across my camera lcd display at a 45 degree angle a very high speed. I could not see the object since it was in the clouds above Mt Shasta in the early morning and the sunlight bleached out any detail in the clouds. I was shooting at 1/4000 of a second to capture details in the clouds. I was not able to photography the object, however, a vapor trail appeared in the cloud left by the object.  There was no sound audible at my location some twenty miles away.  My question is whether it is possible that the object was a meteorite?  Judging from the size of the image on the lcd screen I would estimate the object to be approximately fifty feet in diameter.  As you can see from the vapor trail, the object had to have been fairly large.  I estimate that seed to have been over 1000 mph based on the duration the object on the camera display and the distance it travelled. Very speculative on my part.  Hikers were on the slopes below the trajectory of the object and no sightings or impacts were reported.  The vapor trail is faintly visible in the upper right corner of the image and the vapor trail fans out at the end.  I was not Abe to photograph the object when it appeared since I had set a two second delay for the shutter to prevent any vibration.  Cloud is over the summit of Mt Shasta. Thank you for any insight you can provide.


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